This also gives new generations Industry Email List of employees perspective. Man holding a sign that reads 'Make America think again'. 3. Only wanting to hear what suits you We all look with pity on Trump's rigid denial of facts that don't suit him, such as about corona or climate change. But this tendency is in all of us. It is Industry Email List easy to blame others, or the circumstances, when things go wrong. It is also tempting to create an enemy image within organizations: the unfair competition, the rigid government, the customer who does Industry Email List not understand anything. Or even among themselves: the bunglers of production, the unworldly IT people, the colleagues who prey on your bonus.
But especially in these Industry Email List turbulent times, an unbiased, flexible and fact-driven approach is essential. Solutions can sometimes come from an unexpected source. As an organization, be open to new ideas, for example by sharing information from outside widely internally. By questioning all employees, not just managers, about Industry Email List important topics, for example with surveys. (Don't forget to do something with the results!) Or even by involving customers, suppliers and other stakeholders in strategic themes. Training and education pre-eminently provide a broader view of the world. However, the training offer is often very fragmented. Just bringing Industry Email List that together and making it widely available makes a big difference.
In addition, learning is often done Industry Email List individually within organizations or in existing teams. Bringing diverse people together in learning trajectories can greatly increase the vision-expanding effect. You can do this social learning excellently on an online platform, with which you can let people in various departments and locations Industry Email List exchange ideas and think together about applying what they have learned in their work. You can also record these conversations here and make the new insights available to other Industry Email List colleagues. 4. Those rules don't apply to me Unfortunately, it is a well-known phenomenon: leaders who do not follow their own rules.